Adorable Place You can Barely Find in NYC!

Hiroko's Place

It’s not difficult to find delicate and cute stuffs in Japan when you walk around the street. A lot of restaurants, snack shops, and food stalls often think of special and unique ideas to catch people’s attention and attract customers. I guess that’s how maid / butler / pet theme café come from in Japan. But work attitude is very important also. Don’t you think Japanese food and merchandises are exquisite and lovely? Even a little pack of candy have a very nice packaging design. It is hard to find someone does not like Japanese products because they always make cute and cool stuffs.

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Target Box Update!!!


It has finally arrived!!!

In my last post which you can read here, I mentioned that I had signed up and paid for this $5 Target Beauty Box.

So far the list of brands that has been floating around (mostly due to the survey Target gave in their first email) is 100% accurate!

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Stress and Packing

Sorry for the silence lately; I’ve been pretty busy x____x I’m going to Singapore for an indefinite period of time (but no less than two months), and I’m leaving in a week and a half. The fact that this is so last minute, as well as the facts that I don’t know how long I’m going to be there and I feel as though I’ve been given no say in the matter have been stressing me out so badly, and I haven’t even begun to pack yet. Every time I try, I get so overwhelmed by how much I don’t know about what’s going to happen. And then I ignore the situation x: I have never been very good at dealing with stress, and it’s so much easier to say to yourself, “Sure, I have a lot of things to do, but my friends want to hang out and if I don’t know when I’ll ever see them again, why should I say no?” And then nothing gets done, and tasks start piling up, and it becomes harder to break this cycle. ugh.

But time really is running out, and I thought that maybe if I start packing my makeup, something that cheers me up, I could at least regain some semblance of control over all this, and not feel completely lost when I leave everything I know and 90% of the people I love (my father is from Singapore so I do have family there and at least I won’t be all alone). So here is a progress report of sorts, mostly a way to kick myself into action by putting it up on the internet where the universe sees and remembers 😛

I’m trying my best to think of this as a vacation – I haven’t been back to Singapore since before college, and I do love that place (minus the humidity and the mutant monster mosquitoes!), so I am definitely excited about the food and the shopping and the Asian beauty brands I can’t get here! I don’t want to buy too much in terms of makeup; I already have sooooooo much stuff. But I don’t want to lug all of it with me either – chances are I wouldn’t use most of it. But bringing things I don’t normally reach for will push me out of my comfort zone and force me to actually use things I spent money on! I haven’t finalized these choices yet, so I’ll post again once I’ve decided what I’m bringing.

This is what I’ve packed so far – just basics, pretty much.
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