Italian Sunsilk Cream

;______; I missed you guys.

Like seriously I did! I was about to make a post when my computer immediately died last week. And since then it had spent about a week at the Apple Store getting a brand spanking new hard drive. Unfortunately now I have the long and arduous process of replacing some key applications and moving ALL my music from my ipod! Thank goodness that there is a nifty app for that too!

Now for this lovely post! It has been a long time a-coming! All about the wonderful Sunsilk “Liscio Perfetto” Cream that I got wayy back when I was in Italy for study abroad. Unfortunately although I purchased it in Italy, I never used it. And yea ok let’s get on with it.

sunsilk bottle

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Singapore Art Museum – Photos

My brother pointed this place out to me at first because there was a gigantic derpy bunny balloon in its courtyard (he knows me so well!) We were headed somewhere else, so I quickly snapped a photo with my phone and looked up more info when I got home.

It’s a contemporary art museum and is quite small – I was surprised at how few exhibits there were (I told my mom it was small and she laughed at me for thinking it wouldn’t be – the entire country of Singapore is roughly the size of Manhattan). It was nice though; I went towards the end of the afternoon so there weren’t many people walking around, and I often had the entire room to myself (plus the security guard).
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Maybelline Super Mineral 24 Two-Way Cake Foundation Review

I’m trying to stay away from beauty brands you can find in the US while I’m in Asia, but either I am really bad at doing that, or Maybelline is out to get me (last year in Tokyo, I spent 1000 yen on a Maybelline mascara because it had Hello Kitty on it). In my defense, this isn’t a product line you can find outside Asia, so the brand isn’t so important, right?

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